
Roof Blistering: What You Should Know

Roof blisters are a common ailment in flat roofing systems. They usually occur when the roof loses its adhesion, resulting in raised areas that look like bubbles on the roof’s surface. When left ignored, these bubbles can be filled with air or water and grow bigger over time.

Here are shares some tips on how you can prevent and fix blistering on your flat roof.

Preventing Roof Blisters

Roof blistering can be avoided by doing these three essential things:

  • Ensure the roof materials are installed properly.
  • Keep the roof materials dry.
  • Regularly check your roofing for issues or damage.

During installation, your roofer will ensure that the weather is dry, or the roof has completely dried out before starting the project. This is to make sure that the installation is done under the best conditions, and the results would meet the roof manufacturer’s requirements. Keep in mind that proper installation is crucial to creating a firm contact between the materials. Moreover, regular roof inspections and maintenance can also help you spot any problems before they cause more serious damage, particularly to the substrate.

Fixing Roof Blisters

To fix small blisters with eroded and bare spots, experts recommend using a cold-process asphalt coating and a sprinkle of gravel. If the blister already measures around two feet, you should mar the affected area and regularly monitor to see if it is getting any larger. If the blister is already five feet in size, or it affects a high-traffic area, you should call a professional to repair it immediately.

Christian Brothers Roofing is a local residential roofing expert that delivers quality services and excellent craftsmanship. With over 20 years of experience, we can ensure an efficient process that will meet your needs. Call us at (502) 244-0208, or fill out our contact form to request a free quote.

Christian Brothers Roofing

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