Your roof is more than just your roof tiles or asphalt shingles. It is actually made of several components, each working together to create a complete system that protects you and your family from the elements.
One important element of your roof is the roof truss. You’ve probably never heard of it before, but it is an integral part of any roofing system.

What Is a Roof Truss?
Simply put, a roof truss is the structural framework that lends support and strength to your roof. It supports the weight of the roof timbers and coverings, and is present in both residential and commercial roofs. A roofer uses trusses to bridge the space above rooms and occur in regular intervals.
The roof truss is made of three main components:
- Top chord: The top chord is an inclined or horizontal member that makes up the upper edge of a truss. It is used to create the upper perimeter of the roof and is configured by your roofer to resist live loads.
- Bottom chord: Also known as the scissors truss, the bottom chord is the bottom horizontal or inclined member of a truss that makes up the lower edge of a truss. It is designed to carry the combined stress of both tension and bending of the truss.
- Web bracing: Web bracing or simply webs are members that join and bottom chords together to form a triangular pattern that give truss action. They are subject only to axial compression.
We are a family-owned roof repair and replacement company established in 1997. If you are looking for an experienced roofer that genuinely cares about customers, then look no further than Christian Brothers Roofing. Feel free to give us a call at (270) 715-1999, or fill out our contact form for all your roof-related needs